I often get emails from the Conservative party of Canada. Usually, they are stupid and funny, but today it rubbed me the wrong way. I guess it's just my mood, but Im not as entertained as I usually am by them, more angered.
It's not just this specific email that bothers me, it's the underlying political ideologies and practiced that I don't agree with. It always frustrates me around campain times when the advertising gets slanderous. Bottom line is, I don't want to hear your party's bias against your opposition; it's hard enough reading through or around bias in the newspapers... I just end up having to ignore any intra-party commentary.
Thats what pissed me off today, you'd think that a monthly newsletter from the Conservative Party would be a good way to get to know their party stances and ideals, but NO. There was absoltely NO SUBSTANCE in this newsletter. They are unable to let their stances stand on their own, when they claim to "stand up for the safety and security of Canadians by working with all levels of government" I would like to hear about what cooperations they see as possibilities, and what improvements they have planned. Instead they go on to talk about the effects of 'twelve years of Liberal cuts" to the "Canadian military" then going on to mention how we would be unable to deal with a natual disaster like Hurricane Katrina. Later it likens our weakness in defense also to terrorism. Fuck all this terrorism fearing bull shit. Canada is not the country terrorizing a country and then shoving their faces in the shit of a foreign society/political system/ethics. I believe that we stood against the 'war on terror' and further that terror attacks have been made mostly on the countries that were doing the shitshove warring.
The next issue the Conservatives were tackling was gas prices, an issue sensitive to many people. Let me get my thoughts out of the way first: Maybe if gas costs more, we'll use less. For those who don't care and can't feel bad about wasting energies by the effects it has on the environment, they should at least feel bad via materialism, which seems to be the only manner of thinking and rationalization that the conservatives can. I love the quote "Stephen Harper is the only leader who wants to lower high gas prices and the Conservative party is the only party standing up for Canadians and advocating lower - not higher - gas prices". Wow, I also dislike high gas prices, Stephen Harper is my hero! He isolates the Liberal-NDP coalition as being the cause of high prices through double taxation, but why doesn't he suggest a better way of lowering gas prices.... oh thats right, cause he has no control over how much we are being charged for crude oil... stupid cunt.
The newsletter also goes on to slander PaulMartin for calling the canadian idol girl when he obviously should have been on the phone talking to G Bush about softwood lumber... Fuck you Steven Harper, I'm willing to pay taxes on wood if I can use the 2by4's to hit you on the head! Maybe it would be better if it was hard wood.
anyways, im getting to bitchy and stupid to continue this anymore... heres my conclusion
As the opposition party, they should be presenting opposing plans to make out country better... isn't that why people are in government and politics, to effect a positive change?!? Rather it seems that the Conservative Party believes their responsibility to be the slander of the current government; They would rather see the country suffer due to lack of alternative methods, than to offer improvements!
Wow Mork, political bitchiness, you've made me so happy!!! I've always advocated for an impartial third party to provide Canadians with information about party platforms, but the funding would have to be allocated from other sectors. This is unlikely to happen because today campaign financing comes primarily from private sources. Most parties do not have a solid fondation of policies prior to the election; this usually appears when the budget is dropped. Party politics usually don't matter at the federal level becuase parties are constantly switching their agendas. We can blame dumbass, ignorant Canadians for these slanderous campaign ads; a candadate's main concern is re-election and most Canadians better understand party-bashing rather than providing them with sound information about what a party stands for. That often seems the best way for a candadte to win an election. It's sick, but true. My advice to you is to ignore the e-mails you are getting from the Conservative Party and, more importantly, take your issues up with Steven Fletcher. He works for you. Show him that not all Canadians are ignorant fools and demand from the party more information. I have a feeling he would be more than happy to provide it, particularly if it means gaining another potential voter. Good luck!! Go political activism!!!
There is a public forum being held by the COnservative Party on September 22nd on Justice: RCMP and policing at 3111-A Portage from 7-9pm. Phone 984-6432 to register.
why would money need to come from other sectors, if all parties are in it for the good and want people to be able to understand their policies, then the money should come from them, a certain percentage of their campain budget, or the government, in the spirit of good governance should foot the bill.....hmmm. Im living in a dream world, aren't i...
Starting with the 04 election, the Federal Government did provide financial support to all parties who had >2% of the national vote. This was to ensure that business and union support would have less of an impact on a party's chances of winning votes. Theoretically, some of that money could be set aside for this 'impartial third party'.
As for those Conservative newsletters, I'd just keep laughing.
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