Friday, February 03, 2006

Wow, from chocolate cake and a wonderful flute recital earlier this evening.. the tone of thought has gotten heavy and darker....
1) found out that my school has implemented a huge program cut, accounting for a large number of students within the faculty which they brought in specifically for the program. I'm not surprised, they knew they couldn't afford the programming, and they needed to boost funding, so how else were they gonna get billions of new students. They can't even afford to put a frickin new battery in a clock, how could they expect to fund 2 full time faculty and other associate profs.?!? It's obvious that they are using the students, and not aiming to provide the best education. Grr, the roots of political upheaval are dwelling in me.
2) on a friend's blog, theres developed a heated posting type conversation thing about GMO's and whatnot. I'm not informed enough to have an opinion about that, I can't even control the postharvest happenings of my food, why I eat so muhc processed garb, how can I expect to care about what happens before that.. howeverm it's good that people are thinking and actually presenting well informed arguments. Heavy reading, thats all... not complaining.. just mumbling,.

I practiced tonight, and things will be good for MRMTA. Still work to be done, but now I needn't be nervous, and it's great to have these performance opportunities to prepare me for my recital.
I've reached a new stage in formal design within improvisations. Up until now, I have struggled with being able to recall much more than a melodic line and the style of accompaniment. However, tonight, the last thing I played was a classical style improvisation in Rondo form. I set up a theme that was longer than normal, in AABA form so it had a secondary theme type thing to keep in mind. I was able to remember it clearly each time I brought it back. I did make changes to the accompanimnet, but this was a concious decision, compositionally to make improvements. I also made an effort to work on the art of transition, and I actually successfully used my own thematic material to work my way back to the Reprise material...
I think the aspect of this that I'm enjoying most is the fact that everything I'm learning has it's applications to improvising. Im using things I'm learning from Advanced analysis as well as technique from Mozart and Beethoven stuff to improve my improvisations.


Anonymous said...

you still need to put on an improvisation show for me! We should have done it last night, but i'm sure there will be other times. But yes, i look forward to it!

Michael Park said...

anytime baby, anytime!