I think the last thong I knit was last summer some time (probably over a year ago).
I'm not sure what happened, but I lost my way, I lost the inspiration that had seen me through making dozens of them.
Today not only did I finish making one, but I taught my friend Fiona how to knit a thong.
I feel like I have made the world a much better place.
However, I need to make sure that my artistic creation of thongs does not interfere with my artistic creation of other things like music.... therefore, once school starts I will limit my thong knitting to the time I spend on the bus or in class.
I need to decide whether I should try to sell this thong on the internet. The last time I tried, I only sold one and it went for such a low price that it almost wasn't worth the effort. Although, I can say that I have officially sold thongs on ebay - which is a redeeming factor.
it wasn't that long ago - you made me one for christmas, remember? it's pink and sparkly.
I'd like to say i'm glad your creative 'talent' has once again entered into your schedule, but i can't for fear that it isn't an entirely...healthy habit. I'd like to see you knit hats and mittens and sell them. but i mean, whatever floats your boat. It is pretty cool that i know someone who has sold a knitted thong on ebay. i feel special!
If you can't find a buyer, I have a happy crotch that you could make happier... by letting me model the thong on ebay! Or just dancing around to country music in it while you snap incriminating photos, either way works
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