Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I am spending a lot of money, but I justify it by saying that it's the last money I'll spend in Winnipeg and I won't be seeing these people for a while, so I need to enjoy myself while I'm still here. But, the purchases keep adding up, and my account balance keeps dwindling little by little. Yesterday, that worried me a bit; Today I am AOK with it!
After I got home from work today, there was a large envelope from an organize through which I had applied for a scholarship/grant. My first thought was that they were sending all my scores back, so I probably didn't get the money. I was right about getting the scores back, but I was wrong about the other part.
I got the bursary/grant! I feel wonderful. Perhaps it is a mistake, but I'm allowing these scholarships to buff my ego and I choose to take them as a sign that my work and my compositions are worthwhile. For now, it's all good; I just have to remember not to have the same personal attachment to grant applications in the future.
Even more than the sense of personal satisfaction with this success, I am extremely happy that I will have a nice chunk of money relatively close to the start of the year. As it stands, tuition is covered by my school scholarship and I have enough money for the initial move and setting up of things in my new apartment. From then on, I would be living on whatever I make from TA-ing. Now, I have a buffer so that I won't need to stress about monthly costs right at the start of my degree... I can leave that until later this year! haha


Julie Kertesz - me - moi - jk said...

From time to time, we have to indulge ourself, I hope you spend your money on things that matter to you, given you joy.

Congrat for the scolarship, you have to right to be proud and I think, most of our life, feeling "confiance en soi" (sain ego) is one of the most important things.

What does it mean TA-ing? Where will you go?

Again, I found a note of you in my Retro, an old one, but still matters a lot, thanks! I'll put a link to your blog, the first in english...

Michael Park said...

Merci, TA-ing = "Teaching Assistant" j'enseignerai un cours de musicianship a l'Univeristy of Western Ontario, ou je prends mon matrise en musique.