Thursday, December 06, 2007

Just a bit stressed...

Mostly, I haven't been unreasonably stressed as the term has been winding up.
Today, I was.
I need to have my electro piece finished for tomorrow. The only available time was today from 12-5. I made myself a schedule of what to do in that time. After 2 hours, I had only done what I needed to do in the first. Anyway, things were coming along, I changed the piece altogether so that one of those hours just disappeared.
Skipping the boring parts - Just before 5, I had reached a point where I could be done in the lab, I needed to make it into an audio file so I could take it home and finish notation. At some point in the afternoon, I had renamed the file... apparently this cause the save function to not be usable, only 'save as'. When I went to save the audio file onto my flash drive, the program froze; I waited - nothing happened. Finally I force-quitted the program. When I re-opened the file, I was expecting to lose maybe 10 minutes of work which I could redo without too much guff. As it happens, everytime I hit apple-S or whatever, it did nothing and I had lost over an hours worth of work.
I was expecting the other guy booked in the room to show up any minute, but I was devastated, I literally threw myself off of the chair and onto the ground. Anticlimactic - I didn't burst into tears, I just thought, "Wow, that was overdramatic". Anyway, the next guy didn't show up til 6pm, so I managed to rectify things, but it was horrible. I couldn't recall what exactly I had done, in what order, or how exactly I did everything, so there are a few minor changes. I listened to it a few times, each time noticing another thing that I had forgotten.

Tonight - I have to fill in the gaps that not having given myself enough time has caused in my piece. I also need to notate it - I haven't decided whether or not I should do it in Sibelius. Maybe I'll start with the outer sections in there and see how easily that comes.
I'm not excited about how much work I need to do tonight, but I will do it and I will be a better person for it. And tomorrow, it will all be over, yay!!!


Anonymous said...

awwwwww poor michael......(T0T)

I hate hate hate hate hate when that happens with stupid computers.... Computers are good with numbers and codings but they are not good with emotions and feelings, hey?

don't worry, i know you can do better this time than the last one you composed. and it's ok to make make mistakes, there are lots of things you can learn by making mistakes!

Michael Park said...

Thanks Mai! I think it's all working out in the end. Despite the fact that I've never played this piece before and I have to perform it in just over an hour, I think it turned out better than I thought it would!
I'll update later today!