Thursday, January 31, 2008


I spent today finishing and connecting the second song of the autumn cycle. I was almost ready to send it to the singer this afternoon, but I waited and printed it out at the university. Good thing, I managed to show it to a percussionist and got the blessing. Then I noticed that I had forgotten about dynamics - so I did that this evening! I treat dynamics as formal structure, so I use them to reinforce the structure, which is best done once everything else has been completed.
It took a fair bit of time, but tonight I integrated the addition of dynamics and the final edit!

I have now finished my commission! I had a great talk with the singer tonight and I explained everything to her and now it's basically in her hands! I'm certainly willing to make edits if needed, and answer any questions, but I've fulfilled my side of the project!

I feel really good - not just to be finished this project, but it really came together and over the last few days.
The celebration has to be short lived, in fact, it is now over. I will end this post and get back to work on my Piano Trio.
I hope that this week will be just as productive and rewarding as things have been wrapping up the song cycle!

1 comment:

Mai said...

Good job, mikey!

keep up the good work!!!