Saturday, February 23, 2008

Today, I've been doing a mix of packing and cleaning. Damn, there's a lot of cleaning to be done!
I am generally a stereotypical composer/musician in terms of my organizational method - stacks and piles of papers and things everywhere, while being strangely aware of where everything is amidst the apparent disorganization. In a word, I'm justifiably messy
I finally realized that while my suitcase was too tall to fit under the my bedframe, I could simply life the frame and the suitcase now fits comfortably under my bed. I've learnt that an accordian takes up twice as much space when it is stored out of its case.
These fits of cleaning/organizing don't happen too often, so I just figured I'd mention it. I've also been compiling printed out googlemaps of where my Montreal friends live in relation to the bus depot/university so I will not be too lost when I get there. As it stands, I'm completely organized for the Montreal segment of the trip, but there are people in Toronto that I want to see tomorrow - and the problem lies with not having contact with one of them, and not being sure of when and where I will be seeing them.
I will nail down those details tonight. Also, I need to transfer readings, PDFs, and sound files of some of the things I've been working on, just in case I get inspired while there.
At some point, I actually thought I would have been able to spend this evening catching up on work.... Nope, apparently there's too much to do in preparation for a trip.
I probably will, but just in case I don't blog again before or during my trip, happy reading week everyone!

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