Friday, May 02, 2008

I gots drunkded tonight!
It was not one of my better nights.
I was totally trashed and ran into the old high school band prof who was just starting out his career when I was ending high school. We've always been on good terms, and tonight was good, but I have a feeling I may have made an ass of myself.
I danced, and it was a little skank-a-licious... ok more than a little... most of you know me when I drink....
When I got in tonight, there's a lot of random, possibly wine related spills on my clothes... anyway, time for sleep.
Good Night!


Anonymous said...

Ha, you dirty whore. You ran into Lyons? That's awesome, I hope you spilt some wine on him to further embarass yourself.

Michael Park said...

Ya, he seems to be doing well. He has two kids now and he's still teaching at JT.