Over Christmas, I pretty much went on a break. Looking back, at least 20% of the insulin I was taking daily was a correction - meaning I will cut back significantly the amount of insulin I require once I get the pump figured out, and that is a prospect about which I'm very excited. Things are slowly getting better, but each time I talk to my nurse, a new problem seems to pop up.
Perhaps I was naive in thinking that I would be able to get the pump figured out in a matter of a few weeks, but I really did think so. I thought I would be on solid ground by this point of January. With that said, I can see that things are slowly getting better - little by little - slowly.
I have become much more involved in the diabetes online community, which has been very helpful, but I've found that I'm missing Manitoba's Maestro Project and the diabetics involved with it. When I read diabetic blogs online, it often has a perspective of being diabetes focused with some real-life sprinkled in. At maestro dinners, yes we were there to talk and learn about diabetes and whatnot, but it was always just a group of young people getting together and interacting like people first, and diabetes was just the understood commonality.
Ok, that's enough blabbing for now, I've spent too much time on diabetes today... time for thesis!
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