Sunday, September 06, 2009

Entrance Exams

In order for UBC to make sure that their graduate students have a base level of education in theory and history, they have entrance exams. The exams cover everything from the middle ages through late-twentieth century music - a total of 6 eras.

Aside from the other people who took the exams, nobody believes that I did badly, quite badly. The only solace is that everyone coming out of the exams felt terrible about them.

The last question was to analyze 3 pieces and I didn't even get to the third piece. Despite not feeling terribly well-prepared, I felt not as badly about this one as I was about to feel the next day...

This exam divided everything into the 6 historical eras, each of which had short answer questions and essays.
In the short answer section, you needed 12 out of 20 to pass. I KNOW there was at least 1, maybe 2 sections that I failed. I was not alone... quite a few of us were counting whether or not we had answered anywhere close to 12 correctly. It was odd - I know what I know, so at first I didn't want to put guesses in, but when I only KNEW 10, it became worthwhile to put some educated guesses.
I'm fairly certain that I failed at least 4 of my essays. The sheer amount of writing I did was sub-par.

After both exams, a group of us went out to socialize, but after the history, we all needed a stiff drink.
Early next week, we'll find out just how much remedial work will be necessary.

On the one hand, this has not been starting the year off on a good foot, but at least none of my comp profs are involved in the process!
I have met with my advisor and we planned out my courses for this year and I have an idea of what I will need to take next year. The program outline is pretty detailed, and I actually don't get much choice in what types of courses I get to take. In lieu of comprehensive exams, I have to take an extra course in theory and 2 extras in musicology. After picking those, there is only room for one actual elective! I'm going to fill that elective with the contemporary players ensemble. I thought it was odd that UWO didn't require me to do a bibliography course, but now I will be doing it here.

All in all. Things are starting to come together and I'm getting excited to start the year next week.

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