Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Since starting here, there have been some busy times, but generally I've had lots of free time. While one might think I would, I haven't done much blogging or knitting. These seems to be time-occupiers that I end up doing when I shouldn't spend the time on them.

My bassoon piece is due in 2-3 weeks, I have lots of work to do in that time, which is why I started knitting last night! I made 1 slipper... not a pair of slippers, but a single one. I hope to get the other one done soon, maybe tonight. But, I am making good progress on the piece - with my time management, it's all or nothing, I seem to only function at full capacity, when I have many things on the go.

So far, I'm happily off the pump. I forgot my insulin pen when I went to thanksgiving dinner at Jon and Mai's, but we were able to secure a zipcar to pick it up before dinner was ready! I now have 2 pens going, one in my bag which I always have with me (face it Michael, it's a purse) and another on my nightstand/shelf for all at-home insulin needs.
We all have stupid moments: the other week, I went out for the evening with not-enough insulin left in the reservoir, but it turns out that the pump underestimates the amount left in the pump for safety anyway, yay!
These kinds of silliness follow me in all areas of life, so I'll try to be better, but never any promises.

Ok, back to focusing on my work instead of jumping back and forth from window to window.

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