Thursday, October 07, 2010

I'm still kicking...

I just wanted to post an update to let you all know that I'm not dead.

My time in Winnipeg was nice, but wholly unproductive. I left my macbook charging cable in Thompson, so I didn't really have my own computer for the rest of the trip. I used my parents, but all my work was inaccessible. Now that I'm back, I can use my roommate's powercord, but I'm still limited in function.
I've been playing catchup all week. I'm trying to get 3 weeks of work done for my lesson today, but I'll be lucky if I have what resembles one week. I feel lazy.

I've had a dating profile up on for a while now, but nothing came of it. It was fun for online browsing, but I didn't put much effort into it. Recently, I've decided to take it more seriously, switched to a new site called OkCupid and I've lined up a few dates. There are three guys I've been messaging that I will be going on dates with in the next week or so, starting with tomorrow. I haven't decided exactly how much detail I will be putting on this here blog, but I'll try and keep it interesting for you!

Other than that, not much is new.

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