Monday, December 13, 2010

A new toque

It's super-busy times here in Vancouver. Papers to write, music to write, fun times!

Because of the deadlines, I've been procrastinating with knitting...
I'm currently working on a pair of socks and a pair of thumb-free mittens. I finished the first sock, and then started the mittens, eventually I'll finish the pair and have warm toes!

I wanted to knit a big floppy hat, so I did:

It looks kinda gangster, but I'm not badass enough to be a gangster, so I end up looking more hipster-y. I get confused when I try to understand social groups, so I decided I would take an emu picture, you know those quasi-goth members of that hipster sub-category...
In conclusion, this is me trying to be sad while wearing an otherwise jolly hat!

Anyhoo, I need to get lots of work done tonight, so I'll go back and stay focused, stick my head in the sand or whatnot...

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