Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Oopsie, I haven't blogged in a while...

Long story short, which y'all know is my specialty, is that life is going pretty damned well for me.

Between art song and opera, I'm making good use of my professional opportunities and rather enjoying it. I've been updating my website and will continue to do so as I get more and more recordings available.

I'm currently traveling in Ontario as a side trip from my Winnipeg times. Friends and family in Ontario are awesome, and I'm enjoying it much more than when I lived here.

Oh, and I gots me a tattoo!
It hurt, but not the worst thing ever.

This tattoo is something that I've been 'planning' on getting since I was a teenager, but procrastination and excuses had always gotten in my way. Walking through Toronto with my friend Dizzle, she suggested getting a tattoo, and I really didn't have an excuse... I'm on vacation! I'm very happy with how it turned out.

It started drying out and scabbing, so it's a little itchy/annoying, but I'll survive.

Ok, I'm done blogging now.

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