those are some of the best cookies I have ever made!
because there weren't 2 readily accesible cookie trays(sauf making lots of noise), the cookies fall into two categories:
1) Regular, i made them nice and big... soft and gooey... although they don't quite have that saty-together type mentality..which is fine really.
2)Mini cupcakes, while these also don't have that stay-together quality.. they create 2 items which are both superlatively delectable
i)top-'o-the-muffin cookie type thingy.... thin and crisp on the top, but with a slight soft fluffy layer just underneath... the perfect texture.
ii)random cookie ish fluff underneath... doesn't hold together at all, except for the gooeyness of the chocolate chips which seem to haev ventured to near the bottom of the tray...
in conclusion.... delicious no matter how I go about eating them!
PS, has anyone ever thought about how wonderful it would be if Betty Crocker hooked up with Mr Christie.....
Oi, it's still not midnight.... I think I might call it an early night tonight.... otherwise I will have posted excessively.. even for me...and I will have eaten far too many a cookie.
Ummm, yeah. Crumbliest cookies ever! It's weird how they crumbled even though I only had a little piece.
But the banana in them was a good call though they did remind me of banana bread like Jason said they did him (that was a weird sentence...just forget that ever happened...)
Mmmm, I love Betty. I think I still have one of those easy-bake ovens that my sister got when we were younger. It makes the best damn cookies and mini cakes ever!
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