I know I've been tehnical in my musical/piano comments especially in prep for the recital... but its nothing compared to what goes on in my head.. to demonstrate, I'm going to post the notes I took for myself while listening to my recital run-through recording from last night.
Keep in mind that I concentrated almost exclusively on the bad stuff, with no mention of all the goodness that was happenign last night. I'm going to spend the afternoon working on all this stuff and tonight is the dress rehearsal, so I will actually have the proper piano and I will be able to pretend its the real thing... then luckily I still have another week to perfect perfect perfect! yay
here it is:
Recital Runthruough
Monday March 6
Page 1-not clean, take time to get into the right space
Page 2-top, L.H. descending hesitations
Page 3 – start quieter
Still not clean
Last line- even cres… not accented, should be richer
Needs tidying.
Middle- more sense of line, flow more… rather than accents; shouldn’t feel like played by the bar
Geneally, more RIT in the big L.H. jumps
Return to Eflat… little unsure
Reprise- Ab section.. missed top r.h. note
Last line.. make the 4 note descending motive come through
Prelude- tempo was a little high… didn’t feel secure
Terraced dynamics should be clearer
Clearer rit at end
Fugue-two voice-texture… less r.h., but still needs to beconfident
Terraced dim needs to be clearer and actually done (Page 2, line 2+3)
Page 3-clean the 32’nd notes
****MEMORY SLIP- at the l.h. subject in D 4’th page….-L.h. needs to remember to play the f# turn before jumping down to the c!*****
-even if you fuck up, play the end with confidence
Etude-more cres at bottom of page one and then more dim.
Reverie- good mood
Mozart-theme-be prepared to start, don’t overdo the sF’s
Var1-line 3 change, don’t make l.h. too loud var2 clearer texture with l.h. octaves, 2nd half reprise memory
Var3- memory-prepare for where octaves start = avoid hesitations var4 fine var 5 be clear of rhythm of melody between first time and reprise. 2nd page, bar before repeated a’s… epp. Var 6 first half = better. Second half- don’t speed up (it will screw you over) slow even more for the last 2 chords.
Minuet character is much better, practice with metronome to get even more secure. Second half-second bar…metronome and also get the swells and l.h. cres. Take time before reprise to reset the mood. DON’t forget the l.h. chords right before final cadence.
Trio metronome, make secure where hands are going to avoid hesitations. End of first half, don’t slow down because of confusion. Overall, good balance of the R and L hands and melody
Rondo don’t round down the end of loud phrases. Reprise theme-careful not to miss the cadential chords. F# minor-careful not to push the tempo. Don’t hesitate before reprise. Structural memory could be stronger overall. Coda-p section is unsteady, keep it focussed for the big finale.
PDQ-write down what you’re going to say.. “Fuck, fuck fuck fuck.. anyway, here is it” is not a good introduction when you screw it up….
Rising chrom chords-good first time… nice shaping.. but fix up section after it.
Careful attention as to which are natural/flats… jump to top cha-cha chords…. Make sure its solid.
Jolly fellow-chords of early in the fugue are not secure- really, fix them! Single octave sounds better
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