mmmmm jello shooters!!
last night kyle made about 160 jello shooters spanning all the colours of the rainbow and then an extra red colour. I had mentioned that last night, but I left out one aspect.
In order to get a jello shooter out of the little plastic cup, you need to either use your finger to go around the inside edge or else it sticks. The other method is to use your tongue. This was the method I chose and I was quite good at it. The problem was that I have a short tongue and I'm partially tongue tied. The distance between the tip of my tongue and the skin thing that connects the bottom of your tongue to the bootom of your mouth is smaller than the height of a shot glass. As a result, that connector thingy really hurts today. Oh well, a small price to pay for delicousness!
serves you right.
but it is a very small price to pay for the deliciousness of jello shooters. i know this because i also had some of these delightful things last night. But ours were in crappy paper cup things, so you just kinda sucked the crap out of them instead.
which, i didn't mind. whatever eh?
Crappy paper cup things!!?!??!
Well. Fine. Next time you don't get any jello. Period.
If you were just better at being a lesbian, all of this awkwardness could have been avoided!
wow, my ex and her new lesbian lover having a lovers spat right here in my comment section... I vote me hottest blog on the net!!
In conclusion, I feel that jello shooters are a complicated thing, it's hard to get the right balance of liquor to water so they set right, but don't taste too alcoholy, and then theres the issue of getting them out of the containter.... I prefer the method of just making a bowl of liquor-jello and eating it with a spoon.. or hand
Wow. You're out of the loop...
Olivia and I are the lesbian lovers. Tiffy's just a little bit of hot somethin'-somethin' on the side, so I don't get bored.
And... by the way... if you half the amount of hard liquor and use 1/2 c. vodka (for example) and 1/2 c. blue caracao (or whatever else...) it's not as alcohol-ly.
I will forever and ever remember the extremely strong jello shooters that were eaten out of an ice-cube tray with a spoon at an Xmas party in Steinbach...
mmm, those were totally delicious.... I can't say that I stuck entirely to the spoon method....
"You never wake up thinking 'My tongue is tired'"...
Obviously, Henry never had jello shooters...
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