I'm thinking of giving up on this blog.
I have been rather obsessive in posting and it seems that noone reads or cares except for maybe Tiffy, my only faithful commenter.
If I spent the time/resource that I spend on here doing other more productive things, I would have so much more to show than a random snippet of the internet which really makes no difference in the world of interwebgarble.
Let me know what you all think...
please don't stop mikey.... i love reading :-)
I understand your frustration. Did you know that 90% of the people who read blogs don't actually comment. I'm not sure why but that's the way it is. Despite people's lack of commenting as bloggers we should make it our duty to post comments and get our thoughts down on paper or in this case on the internet. It's a good form of venting.
haha, suckers!
I knew I could get you to comment somehow....
Way to be an attention-whore...
hey asshole, I have no comments on my blog! and I still write! It's for the good of the blog! comments or no comments! Vive le blog!
i will continue to be your faithful commenter as long as you continue your ramblings. It's a job i love to do.
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