Monday, November 20, 2006

I feel good. I shall try and be of few words, but my piece was played today.
A few people had laughed when they heard the title, but I believe they repented once they heard the piece. One of my friends actually appologized for her misunderstanding.
I read the program notes/explanation of the piece before Diane played it - I was so nervous, but I don't think I did too badly. I was worried about being overly emotional during or after the performance, but I held myself together.
Diane played a very convincing and powerful performance, and we got a few people ovating in standing position too. I heard nothing but positive feedback from everyone I talked to. Diane's teacher pointed out that the response we got from the audience was above and beyond the normal of what can be expected from a student audience: They were silent and actually involved in the performance.
A number of people mentioned how emotionally moving it was for them, and that means so much; to know that my intentions were felt and effective.
At this point, I can only hope that I will find a way to have my ensemble piece be as effective in presenting the concept of the piece.
Orchestration test didn't go so well... I guessed on a few definitions... it's so frustrating when you recall reading a word and making an effort to remember that word, but then completely blanking out on the context of it. I didn't quite finish the last question - an orchestration of a string orchestra segment into pitched percussion... but there were a lot of people who didn't realize there had been a fourth page.... I'm assuming he will probably be adding some marks to everyone's grade as was the case with the first test.


Anonymous said...

(i've been waiting for you to post so that i could comment)
I LOVED your piece. I had absolutly no idea what to expect, not knowing what level a student composer would be at. But this piece seemed so carefully laid out and thought about that it was just so beautiful. If it was played sans composer i never would have guessed a student did it. I think it's sooo great it should be in a contest of sorts. I mean, more people should hear this. it was great. And choosing diane to play it certainly paid off, she did a brillant job.
Everyone in the audience DID feel something, because i was sitting in the very back, and by the third movement everyone was totally focused and interested. and the standing ovation was entirely genuine, and much deserved.
I'm stunned michael, i thought it was an amazing piece of work.

Michael Park said...

wow, thank you so much Tiffy!