Friday, November 03, 2006

Sadness - my Polish piano friend from the ballet has carpel tunnel syndrome and she said her fingers went numb tonight after playing for 16 counts.... She said she's been to physio and she's trying to do exercises.. otherwise she might have to have surgery. It's quite unfortunate, she is quite a fine pianist (russian school trained) and ballet class is her only source of income. I really hope there is some positive outcome that can happen.
Unfortunately, there are these risks when you rely so heavily on some part of your body for work. I wonder if there is worker's compensation for this situation... I'll be interested to hear what happens.
Tomorrow night I'm going to the ballet "Cinderella", a modern adaptation of the classic fairytale. I saw it when it premiered a few years back, and I understand that it is even better this time around.
Update - grad school applications are underway, well the McGill one is at least. I also talked to my composition teacher from last year as well as my piano teacher about getting letters of reference. I know they are both highly supportive of me, and plus my former composition teacher did his PhD at UBC, so his endorsement of me might carry some extra weight.. I hope... Once I have all my applications underway, I have to go to the school and request transcripts to be sent to those schools. Oh, yes, and the big thing is that I have to have a portfolio put together!!!.... eeek.
Also of importance, I have the things ready for my recital to be booked. I just need to get the sheet signed by David and then give them money for deposits. I reeeeally want to get it done on monday so I know I have my date and I don;t have to worry about it after that.... only preparation and practice practice practice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you have to let me know when your recital is so that i can make sure i can be there.
Wow, grad school. i feel like it's just insane to be thinking of that, but i suppose some people are doing that.
we're so old.
happy portfolioing!