I'm sitting at the twist, trying to eat my veggie burger with only half a mouth, in a fair bit of discomfort... I had the good sense to actually bring some Advil with me this week, so the tenderness is not bothering me as much as last week. Anyway, in theory that should be the last time I have to get that damned gum graft procedure done, and I'm glad to say that.
Hopefully, in about a weeks time, I will be feeling AOK.
I actually practiced last night at the school for a few hours. I learned a few very small snippets more of the French Overture, which is great! There are parts of that and the fourth movement of the Beethoven sonata that I haven't even touched yet, so it's my goal to have those learned at a minimal speed by the end of the break. From there, it will be just a matter of speeding them up and making sure I have the right character. I just don't like the idea of going to a lesson in second term and still not having learned my recital rep, even if it is only to some slower-than-slow tempo.
I'll be honest, there's a lot of stuff I still have to get to that minimal tempo stage of the game. David wants me to have a written out plan of attack from my first lesson in Jan up to having the recital prepared in early March. But, I need a starting point to work from.... and thats the point I mentioned earlier. I have to be able to play through the pieces at some tempo with some semblance of knowing what I am doing.
The first three Beethoven movements are acceptable and need tidying and speeding up over the break, and the Liszt, well there's some areas that need more work than others... of course. It's not yet at the point where I could play through it and make it seem like a musical entity.
In January, my dancer and I are starting with rehearsals. I had wanted to start sooner, but scheduling didn't allow for it. Now, we have found a time that will work and we are going to take advantage of that and we are both very excited to work together.
So in a heartbeat, my recital is faint at the moment, but it will hopefully get stronger with every beat.
Soon, my parents will both have retired, my mom is joining my dad in retirement as of Jan 14th or something. I am excited for them, and curious as to what kind of things they will be doing to keep busy. I assume it will be more of what they normally do on the weekends... but I don't think they can afford to do that much shopping and/or driving.
This is such a year of change for my family: Retirement times 2, my sister's wedding and I soon will be graduating and moving out and onwards with my life. Very exciting.
I am very excited that Heather and my friend, Fiona, has finally decided that she is for sure coming to Vegas for the wedding. It will be a wonderful time for partying. A couple of Heather's friends and a few of Gareth's buddies are going to be there, as well as my cousin who is about my age. This means that it's going to be a very young and hip wedding and good for partying and celebrating.
Heather said that on the night of her wedding (afetr the ceremony) all are invited to join them in a 4am blackjack toury! Late night and blackjack = MICHAEL HAPPY!
I am totally going to make millions of dollars in Vegas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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