Tuesday, December 05, 2006

So, I haven't recieved any title suggestions for my ensemble piece, so I'll have make something up before i print it out and bind it....
I bound the other two pieces tonight at the ballet, so they are officially ready to go with program notes and everything. Now, all that is awaiting the submissions package is the third piece.
I took it to my composition teacher on monday. He had some really good things to say and also some helpful commentary... albeit the kind that creates more work for me. In the second movement, there was some precedent that when a figure is supposed to be repeated, you need the repeat sign before and after the little snipett... it makes sense, but I was going by the idea that you don't use it at the beginning of the piece, so I woulndt need to if there was no music directly preceding it... oh well. That took 10 minutes in photoshop, now it's done.
He suggested/demanded that I am consistent in my graphic notation.. This means that I have to devise a system that I can apply with as few changes to the score as possible... It also means figuring out how to do something new in photoshop.... uh oh.
So ya, I'm still in the same spot with this piece - trying to finish up the notation notes and program and performance notes so that everything makes sense to the performer without me being there to try and explain things.... gah!
BUT, if I make the notation on the page clearer, it simplifies what I have to write in words to explain the piece in the performance notes.
I finished my small orchestration assignment that is due tomorrow, so that means all I have left to do for school is my Final assignment and my half Jury.

Oh ya, so the plan is to have the ensembl piece COMPLETELY finished and printed by Friday/Saturday so that I can bind it myself (for free) at the ballet and then I can mail it with the other pieces on the same day after work! You have no idea how wonderful I will feel once that is out of the way!
Then I can spend the rest of the time before the 14th practicing for my Jury. THEN, the rest of xmas break will be learning recital rep and writing a choral piece for my UBC submissions!

For those who haven't noticed, this is probably the most hectic and stressful time of my university life thus far... well maybe not as bad as last year during the Music Festival/Recital week... but ya, you know what I'm getting at!

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