Saturday, March 17, 2007

Bad Michael!
Yesterday, I had some serious issues maintaining focus. I finished class around 4:20 and I practiced for maybe 10-15 minutes, then time kind of disappeared and I had supper, and I started practicing again at just before 6pm. I stayed at the school until 10pm.. but I'm lucky If I got more than 3 hours of practicing in. That also included a play through of my Liszt for one of the other pianists doing her recital next week and listening to her play one of her pieces. It's always good to practice performing as it gives a good sense of where you are at with a piece.
In conclusion, I feel a little guilty about not being super productive last night, because the day before, I wasn't very productive either after my lesson. Also, I knew that I'm doing a lot of playing for dance this weekend... 9-5 today and 10:30-5 tomorrow.
Regardless, I will make every effort to use my time the most efficiently while I am practicing.. That's what I failed at last night... I would practice for maybe 15 minutes and then wander around for a water break which turned into a chit-chat break, or a sitting break.
Maintain focus
Maintain Momentum
Maintain Michael!

Anyway, parents are going out for the evening, so at least I have the house to myself so I can practice uninterrupted.

Lately, I've been going to bed relatively early and doing more of my practicing earlier in the day... it's a good thing, but now I think I need to kick it up into super-duper crazy-ass high gear and do more practicing during the earlier part of the day AND stay up later practicing!
I got subs for my ballet classes next Saturday so that I'm not playing all day before playing a recital in the evening... that would just be stupid. ALSO, I am planning on totally sleeping in on Saturday so that I am super well rested for the big day and subsequent evening of partying!

Ok, lunch break is almost over, now I go back to work.

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