Sunday, June 17, 2007

Last night I went to a dance club in Berlin. It was super fun. Earlier Kyle's friend had explained that she would be going to an "Ice cream on a stick" party - I did not understand. I was happy with not understanding because sometimes it's just too much effort to figure out what foreigners mean, and I'm currently an auslander myself. Kim and I sat around yestereve and drank wine while trying to pick songs for Kim to learn how to play on her mandolin for busking purposes.
There was a band playing 50's rock style music and we danced, then they stopped. Then we went into another dancey room and the d-j was spinning the hottest tunes from the 50's, maybe even some 60's. Kim and I were dancing fools. We were at the bar dancing and having fun until nearly 4am and then we took the S-Bahn home and made it just before 5ish. We've decided that bars in Canada should be open super late - Kim couldn't remember what time the bars were open until in Winnipeg and then we realized that since they close so soon people are forced to go to Perkins or some similar place - it's better for people to keep dancing rather than eating.
Today was fairly subdued. Kyle and I did a fair bit of walking - I learned about the Berlin Wall and then we watched a movie about tunnels under the wall. I went to CheckPoint Charlie which was the way between East Berlin and the American section of Germany!


Jonathan Evans said...

I think bars/clubs being open till at least 4am is standard anywhere but North America. In HK they have 24 hour karaoke bars. I haven't been yet, and will probably only ever go if someone, say by the name of Michael comes.

Jonathan Evans said...

With the amount of posts you have, I can't recall ever seeing more than 1 photo. That's a very low ratio Mikey.

Michael Park said...

I guess I'll post some photos, bitch!