So apparently I've been efficient! In a few days of being somewhat touristy, actually mostly just yesterday, I managed to see most of the things that a professor of mine had suggested. I saw der Berliner Tor, die Reichstag, a monument to the victims of the Holocaust, der Tiergarten ( a beautiful park in the middle of the city), der Berliner Dom (huge Alte Kirche), I walked down Unter dem Linden Strasse which houses the Universitad Humboldt and many of the National Emabassies. I've walked around Alexander Platz, Potsdammer Platz. I've really enjoyed the flavour of the city and the people I've encountered.
Tomorrow I am going to visit my friend Anna that I worked with last summer in Potsdam. Potsdam is a smaller town close to Berlin that has castles and whatnot. I will be able to spend the day looking at the touristy things and then I can have dinner and catch up with Anna!
I'm also looking into a day trip to Leipzig for Bach, Mendolssohn and Schumann museums and I would love to go see Bachs Orgel im die Thomaskirche!
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