Monday, March 10, 2008

The weekend came and went.
I'm not really any less sick, but I'm feeling better about it because I'm used to it. The illness has settled into its runny nose/throat and general constant thirst phase - where it will stay for a while...

The dress rehearsal for this Friday's concert was on Sunday - it went fairly well and I feel very good about how my piece will sound at the concert. I'm very excited about the concert and I'm sure we'll go out for drinks afterwards which will be delightful!

Sunday was also daylights saving time. I dislike this whole process. I forgot about it upon waking until my roommate reminded me, and then again upon sleeping - realizing that I had stayed up an hour later than I thought...

I need to get some groceries tomorrow. I'm not in dire need of food, I could live at least a month on what I have, but I don't have any fresh vegetables/fruit/cheese. Also, we are dangerously close to running out of toilet paper, so a trip to the grocery store will be a good thing to do tomorrow. I need to try to spend very little at the store, this month, I need to tighten the budget significantly in order to make up for previous overspending... oopsie.

In terms of finances, this year hasn't been a complete failure... If I don't get a summer job, I won't quite make it through the summer, but that's silly, a job is certainly in the plans. In addition to paying rent/bills in summer, I need to save up for the following year. Anyway, to avoid any extra stress, I'm sending in the rest of the paperwork for student loans that I was hoping to avoid by thinking I didn't need the money.
The mixture of living on my own for the first time in my life + not working during the school year for the first time since having started work = Not the best financial outlook.
As it stands, I will be working next year, back to ballet accompaniment. More than likely, I will be moving and paying more in rent, so that should at least even things out, probably still profiting. I'm guaranteed the same funding from school, and if I get the OGS, that's even more.
Oi, I shouldn't talk so much about money, but that's the way it is. I'm glad for student loans not because I need it desperately, rather I know it is there for as much as I need. Even this year, I won't be taking as much as they are offering. Maybe I should and put it in savings, so as to not need as much next year, but I like to think of it as accurately depicting how much I needed during my time out here.

In terms of moving, I'm thinking of moving into the ghetto of London, then it will be cheap enough for me to have a place of my own, like a bachelor or 1 bedroom. Anyway, more about that as it comes!


Anonymous said...

London has a ghetto??



Michael Park said...

Ya, it's probably pretty close in bad-ass-ness to the Morden ghetto...