Guess what today is.....
That's right, it's my one-thousandth post!
I've always dreamed of the day that my number of posts would catch up to my number of followers, but it appears I've been working in the wrong direction since post number... 2. Anyway, I owe a big thank you to all of my loyal readers and for you, I have a special treat - videos of my latest, and possibly most entertaining compositions to date!
I'll give you some background so that you're not completely confused and/or frightened. One of my best friends in Vancouver, who recently moved away, had a roommate who was very open and expressive when it came to her... lady times. Quite a while back, we got it in our heads to write some inspiring songs to help her deal with it. Margy wrote six inspiring poems in a fit of poetic inspiration one night; I was only able to set one of them to poetry until very recently. In the week before Margy was to leave, we knew we needed to have the pieces performed. Margy's boyfriend set one poem to music the day before the concert, and in the hour before our special guest was to arrive, Margy and I each set one poem to music! With only a few minutes of rehearsal, the performance came together seamlessly and here are the videos to prove it!
[Videos removed due to privacy concerns]
As you can tell, we had a lot of fun writing and performing these pieces. The audience, consisting of our special guest and my parents, were very amused.
In other news, my parents have been visiting me for the last week and I have to say that they've been such great sports. For the first few days, there were 5 people living in a 2-bedroom apartment. They put up with this ridiculous, if not mildly offensive, performance AND they came to a kung fu class at the beach, worked really hard, and had a lot of fun! In conclusion, my parents rock!
All in all, things are fantastic. I know I have had my doubts over the years, but I have no intention of stopping my blog! I'll always strive to improve and keep it exciting for you, my loyal readers. In case you don't believe me, here's some balloons as proof!
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