BUT, just in case you feel badly about missing the opportunity, there's another milestone coming up in two weeks - my 5-year blogging anniversary! I'll probably be a lot more reminiscent for that post than I was for my thousandth, but you never know!
Anyway, I should know better than to get excited, or say anything, but tomorrow is going to be the day that I am finally finished with my Blackberry! I've decided to get the HTC Desire Android smartphone. I've double checked with two separate Telus agents that I will have no problems getting this phone tomorrow and there is one being held for me at the store. I don't think there is anything else I could possibly do to ensure this goes smoothly, but it's Telus - I'm sure there will be some hassle!
"But I thought you had decided on the iPhone, Michael..."
Good memory - I had come to that decision before the fiasco, but I've been forced to wait.
During the time, I've had time to re-evaluate my smartphone needs.
While I initially placed all the blame on Telus, and though I have in no way diminished my disappointment, I see that Apple is also to blame, dropping the ball a few times on the iPhone 4 issue. While the reception thing has been blown way out of proportion, it still shows that they released it before it was really ready. Also, they short-supplied the Canadian market to create more excitement and desire- it worked on me at first, but since I had to wait, I see the douchery for what it really is.
New Competition
Before the whole fiasco started, there really wasn't any competition available through Telus. The only decent Android phone I was considering was the Motorola Milestone. It was good on paper, but it as big and bulky and had a sliding keyboard that wasn't really any use to me and it was just ugly - too industrial for my tastes. During the waiting period, since July 30th, Telus released the HTC Desire and because I couldn't get the iPhone, I looked into it. The specs looked good and after extensively reading the reviews, it seems that it is in direct competition with the iPhone 4. The consensus out there seems to be that they are both phenomenal smartphones and it comes down to a matter of preference.
The Idea of Android
I certainly wouldn't call myself anti-Apple - I love my mac, but I've always had reservations about the iPhone. Last year, when I was first looking at smartphones, I was naive and didn't research enough. I didn't think the price difference between the iPhone and the Blackberry Storm was worth it (boy, was I wrong). On a deeper level, there was something in me wanting to avoid the iPhone. Maybe it was the idea that all the cool people had them (I still hate conformity), or maybe I was resisting the big-box entity.
When I first read about Android phones a year and a half ago, the idea excited me - an open source platform across multiple companies. Mumbly mumbly, I'm happy to be supporting Android and the open-source ideals!
I suppose that since I've waited so long to change my phone as it is, I shouldn't mind waiting another week to get the iPhone 4, but I just don't want to wait anymore. This isn't a serious deciding factor, but it does have its place in my mind.
In case that email I sent them didn't make it clear, I REALLY don't like being told that I can't buy something when I have the product in front of me and the money in hand. As a result, Apple has lost my business, and I will be buying a phone that will cost 80$ less, so SUCK THAT TELUS!
Actually, that's enough reason right there - denying both offending companies the profit that they could have had AND saving myself money - I think that's a good thing all around!
Ok, I'm done blabbing for tonight. Hopefully, I will have exciting news tomorow.
Also, I'm meeting with some collaborators for an exciting video project that we have in the works!
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