Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Day 3 - Looking forward to World Diabetes Day

November 14th is World Diabetes Day and there are some great initiatives in the works. I always make an effort to inform people about diabetes on that day, advocating all over the place.

Last year, as a member of TuDiabetes, the big thing was that everyone was supposed to test their sugars at a certain time and post their result - it was called the Big Blue Test. I missed the time because I was in class or something and I wasn't really that excited about it. This year, it has a better pitch - you test your sugars, do 14 minutes of activity, and then test again - the point is to show the effect of exercise on your sugars.
Roche Diabetes Care has agreed to make a donation to organizations that get insulin to kids who can't afford it, for every view of the video below - SO WATCH IT!

There, didn't you like that - it's got a good beat and makes you happy to be alive, don't it?!

That's all for today!

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