It's been a good month. You know how credit card bills now tell you how long it would take you to pay off your debt at the minimum monthly payment level? Well, this month I shaved off 2 years and saved about 12 dollars in monthly interest!
The insulin pump has been working pretty well lately. I had a perfect site change the other day - I bolused for my meal with the old site and then didn't eat anything for a few hours, so I'm not sure if the new site was working right off the hop, but that's good enough for me.
Just half an hour ago, getting ready for my shower, I pulled out my Sure-T site in the back of my arm... I had a quick shower and then put in a new site and I just bolused for my lunch, so I'm hoping it's working already - this is the real test. I'm about to head into a 3-hour lecture, so I'm REALLY hoping my sugars aren't going to spike!
I have a feeling that tonight is going to be an all-nighter. I have a lesson tomorrow (still lots of music left to write); usually, I work all night after my class on composition, but I have a concert to go to tonight.
Anyway, ciao for now!
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