I don't usually remember my dreams, or if I do, they leave my memory upon waking up and I'm left with a vague semblance of knowing something had happened, but ya.
Lately, I'm remembering random parts of my dreams. Im never really like some people who can vividly describe story lines out of their dreams, those people scare me. SO I remember dreaming that there was a chunk of kielbasa and another kind of meat, more grainy and looser texture on my kitchen table. Apparently there was some kind of a taste test and I was being taught the difference between these two meats.... thats all I really remember from the dream. The odd thing is that when i woke up, i had a taste recollection of kielbasa.. you know, kinda like you had kielbasa for lunch and then 4 hours later you burb and it causes you to think "oh ya, I had kielbasa for lunch, and now Im enjoying it again for a second time".
Now I must draw a point of comparison or differentiation. The taste sensation is a much different experience all together from the smell. In all honesty, I love eating kielbasa, must be from my fake ukrainian roots (my mom grew up in the north end, and as a result thinks she's part Ukrainian, Polish...Jewishesque). So yes, I quite enjoy the taste BUT the smell rather puts me off. If I know that it is in fact a food product that I am smelling, then I can get aruond that, but as a random smell... food is not the first thing that comes to mind. Really, who the heck brings a whole ring of kielbasa into a church, much less is eating it durinch a frikkin choir rehearsal!?! eep.
Ummm...yeah. About that. Sorry. My body just craves meat.
please: use some space, if possible, in your notes, so it makes paragraphes, and it becomes easier to read to me, and other older people
my other journal, begining at the begining and not "last note" is at:
I hope I spelled it well, I would be delighted if you could tell me if it is or not easy to read (booklike instead of bloglike) and find notes
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