Tuesday, January 31, 2006

good evening it was

tonight was tea and knitting with fi.. although we drank diet coke and didnt actually knit. I must have drank 6 glasses of diet coke at least.. I didn't keep track but I remember there being 3 rounds where she brought us 2 glasses each... so in all honesty, I had 7, most likely.
Fi brought her global political economy readings and I brought my compositions,and we were productive... I finished one of the pieces. Now I have 2 of them finished. I have 2 more in the works.. and Im super excited, I think I'll only do 4 all together... I'm working with a deadline of Feb 20'th(right after reading week) that I have to have the compositions finished so that the singer and pianist can learn them. Then, I can concentrate on my recital, and maybe even get a start on my second composition requirement for this independant study.
I actually feel like i learned a fair bit tonight from Fi. SHe informed me as to some of the broad principles of how different political theories look at the world. It's amazing how even knowing how you can look at different situations can change what you think about them. But ya, I should be getting to bed, or doing some analysis, or reading, or anything except for practicing, which I actually really need.
It's lesson day tomorrow, always an interesting day for my blogging. I dunno, I'm supposed to have mozart completely learned and Memorized for lesson tomorrow. Also because I have MRMTA on sunday. OI! It will be interesting to see how it goes tomorrow. At the very least, it will get David to tell me bluntly exactly what I have to make better for Sunday... or as he will put it, how I should have been playing it from the get-go... {I'm already behind on EVERYTHING on that practice guideline...grr} and how to make them so. Gee, more and more examples of how I could never cut it as a performer. ANyway, this weekend will be a great test for my ability to multitask.. Accompanying singers on Saturday(as wellas ballet in morning), my own performance on Sunday, as well as my Analysis paper and composing and trying to keep up with my other practice goals. But Michael, don't get ahead of yourself, there still lots of time before the weekend. I will be super prepared and all will be splendid!


Julie Kertesz - me - moi - jk said...

thank you a lot for commenting on my journal, Michael, it means a lot for me.

"mozart completely learned and Memorized"????? a piece of on of his "ouvres" n'est pas, pas "tout mozart" I guess?

when will be the performance? can I come? (if it is in Paris or around it)

Anonymous said...

Wow Michael.

I'm so proud of you. and still....so shocked.

You're soooo positive!!! Wholly optimistic Batman!!
I'm beginning to wonder if i miss your bitchy ways. (i mean, i do, but i think this new attitude is more productive. and probably therefore more healthy. and i'm having too much fun being bitchy to let you in on the goodness of bitchyness)

(to quote...you...)

Anonymous said...

I love how you manage to find time to blog every day despite your crazy schedule. You're truly an inspiration Michael.

Good on ya.

Michael Park said...

Julie, haha, non, c'est seulement une Sonata(en Sol dur, avec le Rondo alla Turca). J'habite au Canada, alors c'est pas de tout pres de Paris.... email-moi mikeyjpark@hotmail.com

Tiffy, indeed I have become more optimisitic... but most of it is lies lies lies.... although its all good... i hope

Jonny, thanks. Im definately blogaddicted