Wednesday, January 25, 2006

It was a good day.
I didn't go to first class cause sleep was more important at that moment.
Tiffy made cookies, they were delicious. Deena missed out because she refused to eat the cookie since tiffy had made a comment that they were only for people who voted. I can't decide if this was genuine spite, or she just wasn't hungry and decided to play up the cookie refusal card... (the oldest trick in the book).
Um, lesson was good. It wasn't inspiring really, at the end, David concluded that my pieces weren't as good as he'd like, nor would I like them to be.. but he wasn't as negative about it as I would expect. I'm not sure if its because they're really not that far off, or is he's beginning to back off the pressure and whatnot. For my own benefit, I'm going to imply the pressure and work extra hard so that my Genser audition is spectacular!
After lesson was chamber rehearsal. I practiced for about half an hour and then we practiced. The first half of the piece was rather good, expecially for only our second or third time playing it. We were really picky on it and got some really food ensemble stuff happening. I love having Sarah in group. We had so much fun. Delightful is the perfect word for her and our rehearsal. I laughed a lot... perhaps too much for a rehearsal context, but thats alright. We ran through the second half completely, cause we still hadn't made it to the end. Things were rough, but now we've done it and have a better idea of what happens. I showed the piece we're doing to David, and he informed me that it's basically a piano concerto, but not a whole orchestra accompanying. This first run of the second half really pointed that out. I have lots of work to do on my own part, before we can do the ensemble stuff.
I like the group... but I'm still sensing some personality clashes ish.... I swore at my music and Sarah was offended and dissapointed. I think the cellist is put off by the leadership role Im taking with the group. The other one is German, although there are not as many communication problems as I thought. I think I'll be a little less driven, and give the others a chance
I got a ride to downtown from my friend Janine. This year has been bad for me not talking to people as much. Not being in Univ Singers means that i don't get to see a whole chunk of people on a regular basis. I say my hellos and stuff, but this was really nice to actually talk with her for half and hour or whatever it was. I didnt' even have to wait 4 minutes before my bus came, and I was home quick as a jiffy tonight.
I practiced and stuff tonight. I also got super organised. The schedule I had originaly done with my practice goals and stuff was outdated I did one up that takes in consideration where I am now, and competitions and the sorts. Today I've gone between both extremes of confidence in my preparation, and fright at my lack thereof at least twice at both extreme... right now, I just practiced some more, and I feel good, but an hour ago, I didn't, which is why I practiced more in the first place.... therefore, more practicing will make all well!

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