I totally had a wonderful sleep last night.. so i was feeling refreshed ish today.
Genser prelim was good. Not, quite perfection, but thats alright. I felt good about the performance as a whole, and you know... the more I do this, the less wrong notes there are that seem to slip in there. Maybe this whole dedicated practice thing has something going for it...
Trying to get realistic commentary, that might be vaguely helpful in any way from my parents is like pulling teeth out of a Swedish whore with lockjaw... I just need to stop doing it. They came in and watched me play, as well as Deena and Brendan watched from above. so, I've done the best I could do at that particular moment, so now it's up to the judges to decide if I am worthy of the finals. Now, over the next very short little while, I have to finish learning and perfecting the rest of my Sonata, learn a ton of ballet music, and do tons of composing for the lesson I ...might have on monday. Oh ya, and all the other practicing I need to be doing in general.
The timing of getting to the university for the audition on my lunch break was great. I wasn't rushed either way! Ballet classes were good. The kids and the teachers were funny today.
Wierd, but Im beginning to sorta enjoy the musical theatre class almost... except when the kids are annoying, or when they play games, or when I have to sit around not doing anything for an extended period of time, or when they are singing some crap that needs to be burned, or when they aren't singing well and the teacher doesn't fix it, or when Im there.... ok, so I'm trying to be positive... but ya, the teacher and I have our moments when we just laugh at ourselves and whatnot.
ANyway, I'm off to get everything accomplished in one evening.. wish me luck
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