I hate being sick. FUCK
my nose burns from kleenex overuse.SHIT
I'm stuffed up more than a redneck hooker at the family fun fair.
COngestion makes Michael AnGRY!
At least my parents are going to a hockey game tonight, I will have the house to myself and I hope to finish my choral piece... which I had intended on doing earlier...
Tomorrow, I'm going to do my own binding for the pieces I have printed out already. That will save me a bit of money, but the Ensemble piece for the remaining 3 portfolios.. thats still gonna cost me about 25 bucks. Then theres the Xpress post forUBC and Western... another 10 bucks each.
I think once all is said and done, I'm gonna add up all the costs and see how much grad applications actually cost me. I'm afraid to think of it at the moment. So I won't.
It hurts my head to think.
Tonight is going to hurt when I have to finish composing... it will hurt my head.
aww, is mikey-wikey feeling icky-sicky?
i would bring you soup, but i don't make soup. but if i did, you would be getting some.
feel better!
Thank you!
Finally, the sympathy I have so obviously been asking for, haha.
I think that's the only way in which I am a typical man: when I'm sick, I'm such a baby! (you know, contrasting the normally mature and respectable manly man that I normally am)
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