Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Officially Home

I spent very little time at home today because of excessive running around, but I'm moved back in now. I must admit it is very nice to be able to use the internet and my mouse together at the same time again!!!
Practice tonight was very very productive, only Bach. I learned new things - the first halves of the passepied II and the Echo. I also pushed some tempo notches up in some key places, AND I finally got around to revisiting the Ouverture.. the massive 10 minute movement that has a giant fugue... Unfortunately, it won't be ready for thursday unless I ignore other things.
It's not good - I know that this is going to be a bad lesson: not enough done, and other things are slipping.
I had really wanted to have the Liszt ready for this lesson, but things arent so hbappy there... I learned 3 more pages which I hadn't previously touched, but that hardly makes up for the months since I worked on some of the other pages. At this moment, it just seems like I have too large a mountain to climb before thursday. The problem is that if I focus on doing things that will make my lesson go better, I'm not benefitting myself on the whole.
In the Bach alone, there are still 90 bars that I need to learn at the slowest tempo possible.... THEN I can start pushing it up...
The Liszt is getting there thanks to the other night's harcore work with learning those 3 pages, but parts I was supposed to work my ass off on long ago, eeep.I need to work my ass off on them now.... funny how things don't change with time...
The Beethoven- well the firts movement is still shitty due to leaving it alone... the middle two are good, but the march needs a lot more speed, BUT atleast I can achieve that from the state i'm currently in.. just needs the time and repetition.
The final movement, however... 170 measures to learn yet.. nevermind getting them up to tempo.

Anyway, tomorrow is a new day, a day of efficiency... who thinks I can learn 260 bars in a day...... any takers!??

Heres the plan, I work til 11am tomorrow, then I'll bus to the school and practice straight through until class at 2:30. I'll see how much I've accomplished by then, and then decide if I deserve to come home...I might stay and practice all evening, with a dinner break perhaps... but only if I've been good. I'll set myself a goal... no supper until I've at least learned the remainder of the Bach. no, wait, no class until I've learned the Bach, after that, no supper until I've learned at least 80 bars of the fugue.. maybe 104, might as well learn the whole fugue... then that leaves the fed Michael only 67 more bars of the piece.
I TOTALLY think this is feasible, don't you?

YEEE HAW!!!!!!!!!!

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