Overall it was a delightful evening. Hats off to David for hosting a very nice evening.
Food was good and the company was good!
Arrival was less than perfect... Finding the house on the end of the street, I needed to turn around to be parked the right way... I got stuck in the middle of the intersection. A few people tried to help me, but I said I was having fun, so they shouldn't worry. I ended up deciding that the only option was to park accross the street from his house... which made sense except for the fact that it was a fairly lofty snowbank. I backed up to get a running start, and plunged myself nicely into the snowbank - thinking it was logical that if I could get in easily, I should also be able to get out easily.
FastForward 7 hoursish to departure time, and we disprove that naieve little theory.
Hats off also to Chris for pushing me out and having patience. I had fun getting out of the snowbank, but I wasn't the one out pushing in the snow... THANK YOU SUNSHINE!
Touques off to Mother Nature for being pleasant temperature lately, although she went a little overboard with the snow.
It was funny earlier today to see the end of what must have been a rushed/frustrating attempt to budge someone's car. He has half in an intersection causing some fuss. There were a few people trying to push, unsuccesfully. In the end, there was a truck behind and he used his bumper to push the car into the intersection and into motion. Unfortunately it didn't look/sound like a damage free assistance, but people do what they have to do. It seems that fender-benders are commonplace in Winnipeg in the winter. It's silly that bumpers are made so finniky these days. Yes, they're safer in the smaller amount of cases where more is at risk (high speed collisions) but the majority of their use is in protecting from minor bumps and scrapes to the body of the car... it's frustrating when pulling a little to far forward or backwards can result in you having to replace a whole bumper at ca.1000$ish. I guess you can't put a price on the value of a life that can be saved... BUT you can put a large profit margin on the amount that autobody places yank in over the winter slippy-slidy season!
Anyway, it's a new year and it should be a good one.
Yuck to the fact that I only have three more days before school starts up again.. pretty much in full motion right away. I seem to recall my teacher saying that a recital should be prepared 2 months before the recital date... well that would be in just over three weeks from now.. so that's not looking too promising, but maybe if I set that as my goal, that little failure won't be so dissapointing, and it will prepare me better for a much more reasonable goal of one month before...
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