I woulnd't say that I'm suprised, but I'm still somewhat dissapointed; I am officially not good enough for the MMus program in composition at McGill.
I love how they barely even put any effort into sugar coating it, by telling me that "[my] qualifications were not at a level comparable with other applicants."
I can't tell whether that means that my portfolio submissions were riteously crappy compared to what they normally see, or if they weren't even willing to look at my application since I don't have a BMus in composition.
In conclusion, I will spend the rest of the time between now and next rejection letter waffling between those two possibilities.
Let's take a look at my success rate thus far:
I have submitted applications to 5 schools and a SSHRC scholarship.
I have received rejection letters from 2 of those.
Of responses, I have a 100% rejection rate,
Overall, 29% rejection rate.
To continue with the generally negative tone of this post. I'll fill you in on my relation to McGill. about 5 years ago, when I first decided I wanted to study music in university, I decided that I was going to take a year to prepare myself and apply at McGill. My teacher at the time told me that I shold always aim for the brass rings, so I set McGill as my brass rings. I think that's the reason I applied for composition there this time around. To be honest, I didnt' know much about their programming. The first time around, I was refused entry into their performance program, but accepted into their other piano program, but I couldn't justify paying more and moving away to get a second rate degree, so I convinced myself to stay at home and live for free while getting (what I considered to be) a third rate degree.
As it stands, McGill will remain to be those brass rings that i will never grab hold of.
I see the similarities here with the other situation... once again I am underprepared for a degree program, and I will most likely have to make a similar choice between different programs that aren't what i am aiming for....
Regardless, I am going to choose to be optimistic, as I still have 4 more rejection letters to come in the mail.. which are hopefully worded nicer!
oh that sucks so much. Nothing is worse than a 'you're just not good enough for us' letter.
here's hoping the others that come back say 'you are amazing and WE WANT YOU!'
well, something similar to that anyway.
ps. that was me. stupid clicking too fast before i spell things.
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