Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Saxophone = not so much death

Our first rehearsal went super well today!
She's taking the piece a bit under the tempo indicated, which is well appreciated by me.
Our ensemble is really good.
It seems like a completely different world when I think back to first and second years, in the accompanying class; it was always a struggle to stay together with the singer/instrumentalist. I didn't know how to listen to their tempo and how they played around with the rhythm and tempo.
now that's like second nature to me. It's somewhat frustrating to think that it's something I actually tried to work on.... in the end, I remember that one day it just clicked.
anyway, now it's there and that's all I care about.
At the end of the rehearsal, it was just a consensus that we both just need to brush up our own individual parts and then when we get together again, it will be spectacular!

I came home and napped. It was wonderful!

I practiced for an hour and a half this afternoon and then there will be more this evening. As for now, I should run off and watch a lesson and then accompany someone in the festival!

My aunt left on her cruise today, oh ya, My aunt had been staying at my house for a few days. It was nice to spend some time with her... even though I was barely around the last few days...

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