I'm hating this assignment.
I can't tell whether I'm hating it because it is a ridiculous assignment and we haven't actually been taught the pedagogical skills that we are being called upon to know and use for the assignment...
whether it's because this is my only academic course this term, and it is really the only thing right now preventing me from practicing and being very focussed on my recital.
It is both.
mostly the first one out of spite and malice
Speaking of things that take away focus from my recital:
Music Festival starts next week.
I have nowhere near as much business as last year, BUT it still looks as busy on my schedule.. well not really, but ya. I would love to just only have one focus to worry about.. my oh my that would be wonderful.. but apparently that never happens... ever!
Somehow I wish I had more festival accompanying to do for more money, but I really shouldn't and I won't.
but yes, I need to get on learning that rep.. most of it is simple, but there is a sax class I'm accompanying for, and saxophone repertoire is always insane!
For now, I should be done this project in under half an hour, then I will be able to reasonably get in about an hour and a bit of practice for my lesson tomorrow while leaving time to get a good night's sleep!
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