Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Cleaning off my piano just a few weeks ago, I remember throwing out the papers from the last time I bought glasses - On that paper were written the model numbers of the other pair of glasses I almost bought. Those are the glasses I want right now, but alas I haven't the model number and the store I originally saw them at didn't have that model anymore... at least not that I could find.
I went to another place and told the guy what I was looking for, and he knew exactly the general style I wanted, he even found a picture of them on the internet, but we couldn't see them in the store.
If I had found them tonight or another pair that seemed just right, I would have bought them in a heartbeat.
I hate shopping. I hate trying to decide on things, and glasses are pretty bad... I get nervous when I'm going from one pair to the next and trying to see which I like better... so stressful (haha, not really).
My sister and I are very similar in this way, fundamental difference being that she has patience to draw the process out over a LOOOONG period of time, I however get jittery and end up making rash decisions without actually weighing those aspects that I think so much about anyway....

Tomorrow is my endocrinologist appointment. As per usual, I hope for a vast improvement in my A1C. Either way, I'm reasonably certain that I'm on the right track with improvements I've made in control and testing, but it sure would be nice to have a number that gave me solid proof that I am making progress.

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