Tomorrow is so exciting.
1) Election day. Last day of helping out on the election campaign. It's been a lot of fun, so the celebrations tomorrow will be well enjoyed! It will be exciting and interesting to see how many votes my friend Fiona gets in her riding.
b)Auskultu Bonvolu - the ensemble piece I wrote is being recorded tomorrow evening. I printed out all the parts and the instructions so that I have them in one place and I can read along as the piece is performed tomorrow. I am going to be able to learn sooooo much from this experience. I spent a great deal of time thinking about and then putting into words the description of the piece and the performance/program notes. I will find out tomorrow if they made sense to the performers. While I will be there to answer any questions that may arise, I want to leave a lot up to the group performing it - to see if the way I explained it comes across into a performance that reflects my desires for the piece.
Also, at this point, I'm very happy with the form and structure and concept of the piece. Tomorrow will determine whether the musical parts of the piece are of the same caliber. I put a fair bit of effort into making sure the excerpts fit for each instrument or whatnot, and nothing would be more crushing than if when it is played - if it sounds unmusical and shitty because of the quality of the musical lines. If the performers aren't able to pull it off as a strong piece, then that's one issue and I will be able to examine how I explained the piece and what wasn't clear, but if it's my fault - boo me! Nevertheless, I'm hoping that the piece will be super effective and moving and wonderful!
I will be sure to post about that tomorrow night, or soon in the future.
In other news, Dance Festival is over. It was a lot of fun and mostly successful. One of the performers I played for did exceptionally well and has been invited to sing at the Gala final concert, meaning that I get to play for her again. I also need to record her piece tomorrow for another competition later this summer.
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