Tuesday, May 15, 2007

So, I don't think my haircut is all that bad... I fixed it a bit today, it's still not the best I've had, but it's certainly not the worst.
Which reminds me of a life lesson I've learned - twice:
Drinking and Scissors = bad times
Liquor + Haircut = No

As many of you may know, I've had quite the history with haircuts from friends, but at least I laugh about it... I actually treat it much less seriously than many other people, and it's not even their hair.

Dance Festival is coming up. I keep being warned by some co-workers - It is apparently a highly competitive, highly energetic, overly dramatic event with tempers and egos flying and very unorganized. I've been told that I will need to fight almost tooth and nail for rehearsal space. Nevertheless, you all probably know that I just thrive on the energy given off of socially awkward situations, and this will be no different. I'm a little unhappy that this is falling on my long weekend, but there's nothing I can do about that, so I'll just smile and make the best! At the same time, most of my friends are not doing anything for the weekend because they are either going to a summer program or they are involved in the election or some other things, so I'm not out of place being occupied this weekend.
Saturday will be long. I do ballet classes starting at 9am, then at 2ish, I start my time at dance festival. I have a supper break, BUT I am stuck there from 2:30-10pmish. Similar time frame for Sunday.

I also can't complain about not having much of a long weekend, because I really don't have much to do on the other days. I have slipped into my unproductive sleep habits again.. where I stay up until at least 3am and then sleep past noon. If I was doing something during my waking hours, I wouldn't mind, but alas I have really been doing a whole lot of nothing when I'm awake lately. I go between watching t.v., facebook/msn and I guess I've done a fair bit of cleaning lately. I have so much stuff to sift through.
The biggest challenge with moving will be to decide what to take with me (not much), what to pack up and leave here, and then the majority of it will be donated or tossed out - maybe Garage Sale.

1 comment:

Jonathan Evans said...

Having moved about 20 times myself in the past 5 years, I can recommend you try and fit your whole life into 4 bags. Two checked, 2 carry-on, makes life easy. That's all I brought to Hong Kong, and it has proved that I really do not need any more to live. Do you know where you are living once you get there? House/dorm etc.?