Sunday, July 15, 2007

I feel like I haven't blogged in forever.
Time went by this last week so quickly because I had both musical theatre camp and Hair rehearsals, making for some long days. I'm done with the dance classes, so at least that's one less thing on my schedule.
I had mentioned the two meetings I had late this week that would help form my musical creativity plans for the summer.
The dance rehearsal/meeting - I got together with the producer and the dancer. This gave me an opportunity to get to know the dancer and find out some of her inspirations for movement and whatnot. We shot some test footage in the apartment - where he is shooting one section of the film. I also got a crash course in photo/film development, about 3 or 4 minutes of filming worked out to about 2 seconds of actual film time. It was very good to see the work that is going in on the part of the other collaborators.
This was a good get-together as it gave me some good insight and direction on the project. It also gave me some different ways of thinking of things and ideas are already rolling for what music I will write!

The other meeting was good as well, but the aftermath has been interesting...
By the end of the meeting, we had picked 3 poems to use and we were happy with the way they fit together. Next step is to get copyright permissions.
This is a process that I will need to become familiar with at some point. I do not ever want to be familiar with it!! YUCK! I'm stuck on the first step of finding out who has the copyright to the poems. I'm waiting for confirmation. Once I have that, then I need to get the permission - a process that can take up to 6 or even 8 weeks. And permission is not something that I can just count on; in fact, people who have done this before have wished me luck in the process. Because the permission is not a sure thing.. I can't start working with the poems until I have it official, otherwise I might be screwed over.
Anyway, it will be playing this waiting game for a while yet. I really can't describe just how frustrating this process has been already, and will surely be in the future.

Aside from that frustration, which will actually do me a world of good in terms of learning, things are going well. I find that being busier and having thing after thing to do actually keeps my mind more creatively active, so I have ideas floating around for the creative projects that I don't have time to do...


Julie Kertesz - me - moi - jk said...

what you want to do with the poems? put them in music?

why not start when you have the inspiration instead of when the permission arrives, and if any problem with that go and try to persuade those who can give it to you, eventually even with what you begin to do with it?

thanks for the visit, and no, I did not forget either you or your mother, and who knows, at one of your parisian visits perhaps we even stroll together a day (or have a café at nord sud near the 18e

Michael Park said...

Thank you,
I've been advised that it is unwise to start working with a poem that you don't have permissions for. If I end up not getting the copyright, then I'm stuck with music that I either can't use at all, or will be uninspired when set to different words.