I just realized that my blog is actually linked somewhere out in the world of diabetes blogging - this made me feel guilty about barely ever posting about diabetes, so now I will diablog for you.
I've been trying to sort out my own thoughts and feelings about insulin pumping.
Since the dawning of insulin pumps and up until maybe a year ago I was convinced that I never wanted on. It was simply being tethered to my insulin. This was reinforced by an Endocrinologist and educator reminding me that the pump is only as good as the person using it. By assessing the inadequacies of my diabetes management, I concluded that the improvements have to come from myself, not a new toy/tool.
Sometime within the last few years, I actually saw little improvements in my control, resulting from carb counting and more aggressive dosing. I also started reading diabetes blogs. Everything added up, and I got the impression that everyone who has tight diabetes control has an insulin pump - this image is clear as a bell in the diabetes blogging community. I actually thought about getting a pump.
Finances aside, I almost convinced myself it was a possibility.
Recent: My control was getting quite good with MDI(multiple daily injections) and my recent trip to Europe showed me that with an active lifestyle, management is even more responsive.
Now: I'm back home and the lack of constant exercise/physical activity has set back in - my insulin requirements are back up high and my sugars are running higher than I want them to be. I'm relatively convinced that Winnipeg in general is bad for diabetes....
I've pushed the pump out of my head and life because it's not a financial possibility at this point in my life. Since my insulin requirements are so much higher than other people, I can have tighter control with single use dosing that would be unimaginable to most pumpers. At the same time, I really really want to use less insulin. It would make losing weight so much easier and would be better for me in so many ways.
Basically, I'm convinced that I'm making the right choice and that I can improve from this state, but I'm not sure whether I'm currently anti-pump for logical reasons, or whether I'm just dressing up my assessment of financial concerns.
Anyway, I hope to be more regular in my posting about diabetes- something that will force me to think about it more also!
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