It's amazing how the day goes by fast when there's a variety of things to do.
I started my day with 3 hours of musical theater camp, then I had a few hours for lunch, I finally went to Mitzi's for chicken fingers... they a great reputation, but odd business hours, so I went today. The chicken fingers were damned good, but caesar salad was not up to par. Nevertheless, I see why they are known for wonderful chicken fingers.
After lunch, I went to the library downtown and read some poetry about autumn.
Then was Hair rehearsal. We did a bit of cleaning and then a run through of the second act - what a wake up call to those two pieces that I had never played with the cast before... I was not comfortable. I need to spiff those up a lot before the next time. It's odd thought that I have no time really to work on them. I took some time tonight to work on the pieces that we will run through tomorrow, but there's only so many waking hours in the day (appropriate for playing piano).
Oh ya, the mus th. camp this morning was so cute. not my group, but there's a group of 15 5/6 year olds doing a Clown workshop!! I get to play for their performance - cutest thing ever.
Anyway, where was I... after the Hair run, I had something to eat and then dance classes. The stretching / turn-out exercise didn't even hurt as much as it did the other times. I'm actually experiencing the benefits of dance training.... ish.
I had grabbed a vial of test strips last night in the dark to replace the ones in my backpack.. but it turned out to be a vial I had used for old strips which had already been used. My sugars were not in their happy place when I got home... after 11 hours of not testing.... I'd prefer not to think about how long they were resting at that bad place.
Also, I'm excited about the creative prospects increasing lately. The dance film is getting underway. I have the form and a lot of concepts and I'm going to a rehearsal on friday to see what the motion style is going to look like. On thursday, I'm meeting with a singer friend for whom I am writing a songcycle. She has chosen poems and she'll present them to me with her inspirations and then I have free reigns to make them into beautiful music. She will be learning them for her recital, so most of the work will be done at the beginning of next year AKA-during my masters. That's going to be somewhere between 10 and 20 minutes of music! Moral of this story is that I'm very excited to have something concrete to work on and have some direction. And as of this weekend, I will have two such projects! Perhaps this summer isn't all for shit afterall...
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