Friday, November 28, 2008

Meet the newest part of my life. I haven't named it yet, or even decided on a gender, but I should introduce it nonetheless.

It appears I have some diabetic readers now that I have started writing about my pump, so welcome one and all!
I hope that my experiences are helpful to you, and feel free to ask questions about anything - I'm always looking for useful topics to write about.

Here are two pictures of my new pump. I hate taking pictures - with the flash(above) it whites out part of the picture, and without (right) you can't hold it still enough so you get a blurry picture. Anyway, combining the two will give you all the detail and perspective you could desire!

I've been absent minded today - forgetting to take my two-hour glucose tests right on time, forgetting to check my sugars before starting to eat. These little things will make the process a little more complicated, but I think I can deal.
There are just a lot of things to get done at this time of year!

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