Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Post 751

As I enter the third quarter of what might eventually be a thousand posts, I have happy news to report.
I got a call this evening from the Insulin Pump company and they said my pump will be delivered either Friday or Monday. If I get it early enough on Friday, I could do my pump info class this Friday and then I'd be up and running on a pump by next week! I will cross everything that can possibly be crossed. As I'm sure you can tell, I am very excited.

I'm wondering if I should make some kind of change to my blog to commemorate having posted 750 times... Not a superficial one, but maybe one of style. Having looked back over the years, my writing has gone through introspective phases, bland phases (which would be the current one), bitchy phases, ranty phases, and a few others that I can't find the words for right now.
Please feel free to comment and let me know what you would like to hear more of. I've been feeling lately that I need to be more creative, rather than put people through the daily chore of if anyone does that!

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