Monday, November 23, 2009

Only one more week of NaBloPoMo

NaBloPoMo is reminding me why, every once in a while, I think of killing the blog altogether.

Forcing myself to write something everyday shows just how little of worth I have to say on here.

I lost my bank card a few days ago, so I had to go all the way across town to a PC Financial pavilion to get a new one. I love almost everything about PC Financial, and those who have ever talked about banks with me will know all about that, BUT I don't like how few locations there are in Vancouver - either for shopping or for the banking pavilion.
Nevertheless, I rarely actually need to go to the pavilion - in fact, I don't think I went even once when I was living in Ontario.
Anyway, I did need to go today and it was horrendous. Google maps and the lady on the PC phone both told me it was at the wrong intersection, so I had to walk about 20 minutes in the rain along a big ugly, busy street to get there. When I did arrive, the pedestrian entrance was an uphill mud path leading to a large parking lot to walk through - cause really, who would try to go there unless they had a car!?!
After all this hassle, I bought myself socks - lovely, fresh, clean, new socks!
New socks are one of the best feelings in the world - I'll go reward myself with that happy feeling right now!

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