Saturday, November 21, 2009


I guess movies and sitcoms had convinced me that reconnecting with people from the past could go horribly wrong, but I'm rethinking that now.

Since moving to Vancouver, I've gone for coffee/dessert with a few people that I haven't seen in years. There's always the fear that you'll have nothing to talk about and that things could end horribly, but that's not been the case - and I don't think it actually ever would be.

Anyway, today I had a delightful 2 hour chat with a girl I went to undergrad with. We hadn't kept in touch at all, but since we're both in the same city, it made sense to meet up. I'm glad we did - it made for a delightful afternoon.

Despite nice distractions in the afternoon, I need to focus tonight and get lots of work done...
Here we go!

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